Items that can be returned for full refund:

  1. Within 10 days from purchase
  2. Damaged product upon mailing us with pictures of evidence of damages
  3. Spilled or loose packaging mishap during transit with proper pictures of evidence
  4. In case of skin irritation or allergy kindly provide proper proof with pictures of your skin allergy and proceed with the return policy

Reasons unacceptable for return:

  1. Product not satisfactory
  2. Product does not smell very good (as we don’t use artificial fragrances, only mild natural fragrances are used)

Product can be returned to the following address:

3/1169 Mugalivakkam Main road, Madhanandhapuram, Chennai 600125

After you return the product back to us. You will receive an email from us confirming that we received the product and shall process the refund amount which will take some time to reflect on your bank account. Kindly understand that only the MRP of the product will be returned back to you and not the convenience fee and shipping charges at the time of purchase.